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30 min
70 US dollars
212 West Hanover Street Street Trenton NJ 08618

Service Description

20,000 Crunches in 30mins EMS Electric Muscle Stimulation Fat burn Machine for non-invasive body slimming and sculpting that builds muscle and burns fat at the same time. High intensity pulsed electromagnetic stimulation offers continuous muscle contraction without muscle relaxation, therefore allowing the muscle to work at its maximum capacity. These extreme contraction conditions require the muscle to adapt and develop muscular mass over the treated area, while burning fat. Clinical studies report an average fat reduction of 19% associated with an increase in muscle mass of 16% during a treatment consisting of 4 to 6 sessions, spaced every 2 to 3 days. Treatments areas include abdomen, buttocks, arms and thighs.

Cancellation Policy

RULES & CANCELLATIONS CANCELLATIONS *DEPOSITS ARE NON REFUNDABLE* *All appointments must be canceled at least 48 hours in advance to receive a reschedule. All refunds will be refunded within 48 hours if within one week prior to appointment. *There are no refunds on any body service provided If you have any questions or concerns please call or text me at 609-575-9825 *If more than 15 minutes late, your appointment could be canceled or service time could be reduced. * DO NOT COME IF YOU ARE MENSTRUATING DO NOT BOOK AN APPOINTMENT DURING THE WEEK OF YOUR MENSTRUAL CYCLE. * No extra people. NO EXCEPTIONS *No call no show appointments will be blocked from future appointments BODY CONTOURING APPOINTMENTS: It is HIGHLY recommend you begin to properly hydrate yourself before and after your scheduled appointment. Drink at least a 2 liters of water each day during your session. (NO Coffee, Soft Drinks etc.) - Tea can be an exception (PLEASE DO NOT ADD ANYTHING TO IT) PLAIN TEA ONLY. DO NOT Drink any Alcohol on the day of treatment nor 48hrs after. You should not eat 1hr after your appointment. Diet: A low carb diet, low-fat high-fiber diet is highly recommended. Exercising: A 30min - 1hr workout is highly recommended. You have 30 days from when you booked to use your session. RESULTS: Body contouring results can be notices immediately and 3 days after. Not everyone is the same or have the same body types.... proper dieting & exercise will help with maximizing your results. Results may vary and several sessions may be needed.

Contact Details

  • 212 West Hanover Street, Trenton, NJ, USA

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